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Monday 15 April 2013

Mozilla Firefox 20.0 PC Bowser Free Download

Mozilla Firefox is one of the most popular web browsers in the world and was one of the first to break the dominance of Microsoft’s Internet Explorer (IE) in the web browsing market.
Mozilla Firefox really changed the way people surf the web when they first appeared on the scene. Today Firefox is still a very powerful and customizable browser, despite competition from Google Chrome has given a definite time for their money.
Mozilla Firefox 18 is the latest version of the popular web browser and brings a few keys and welcome new features. The first is the claim of the company to a more secure browsing experience faster. The evidence shows that this new version of Mozilla Firefox is certainly quick to load even more graphic intense pages.
Firefox 18 now also has secure connections when searching for Google to improve privacy and there is an updated site identity indicator in the URL bar. Windows users now receive silent updates while Mac users on Lion or more can run Firefox in full screen mode.
Redesigned Mozilla Firefox tabs itself is a remarkable new feature. Very similar to Google Chrome browser, instead of seeing a blank page when you open a new tab Firefox users is now icons that provide quick access to all of markers for most recently accessed sites and the most visited.
These icons are fully customizable in Mozilla Firefox too. You can click and drag them anywhere you want on the page tab name. If you’re a fan, you can also go to the network icon in the top right of your browser and completely clear.
Something completely new for Mozilla Firefox is the Facebook integration. Firefox now supports Facebook social API so you can have dedicated buttons for Facebook in your browser. Mozilla Firefox supports Firefox Facebook Messenger, giving users desktop notifications, as well as a list of persistent friends activity feed to the right. Talks open as overlays on top of any website you are on what you can perform multiple tasks in the Messenger.
  • License: Free
  • OS: Windows
  • Size: 19.6 MB
  • Publisher: Mozilla.
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